Battlefront spiritual successor?

With all these spiritual successors being made for stalker,banjo kazooie, symphony of the night etc. I'm surprised one hasn't been made for the old star wars battlefront games. People obviously aren't satisfied with EA's version of battlefront, and it seems like a perfect opportunity. Make some space, big team battle, third person shooter, with similar classes guns, heroes, space battles etc.

Would you be interested in a game like this ?

The thing about Battlefront II is that it is still running and in big enough numbers, There are servers all the time. I really don't think there is any need for a new one at all, or at least there is no need for EAs offering when it is less than the previous ones in almost every way.

Battlefront II never went away.


Battlefront II is the definitive version of a Star Wars Battlefront game. EA is gonna push dlc, and only ruin great memories once had.

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I know how you feel. Battlefront 2 has several mods that make the game feel new though. If anyone's interested I can create a thread tomorrow. Too tired to right now.

Yeah. Can't stand EA. They manage to ruin everything. I wish Bioware or Bethesda (highly unlikely for anything besides Fallout TES and a few others though) would've made it. I'd rather have a buggy complete good game over a stable boring incomplete one.

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Well...I mean...isn't Battlefront 3 the kind of successor to Battlefront 2 you're looking for? Granted, I don't like EA any more than the next guy, but they WERE the ones who made SWBF2, so I think they should get a least a bit of credit. The gameplay for the attached video obviously has a lot of staged moments, but as a person who really don't game anymore, I would actually be willing to come out of retirement to give SWBF3 a shot. It looks like it has a lot of potential. Got four months to upgrade my PC before it comes out lol

Makes for a fun video, if nothing else.

If they didn't create the atrocity known as "Star Wars - The Old Republic," I wouldn't mind if they did another Star Wars game.

It looks good, but what I got from this is that it plays like a lot of the other shooters out there.

I'm not hating on the new battlefront at all. But really it doesn't look anything like the old games. It's sacrificing features for graphics big time. And it while it looks impressive, it won't even be the "most" graphically impressive game out there when it comes out, atleast not for very long, with games like allison road, and "source" eclipsing it majorly imo.

The reason why I want a new one is simply because I want a return to the old style. I want a third person shooter with the same classes, same style etc. I want space battles.

I actually am having a hard time getting the old battlefront games to run on my PC as well, because their too old. So that's one reason why I want a spritual successor.

They're fixing SWTOR. They did make KOTOR which is probably the best series of games I've ever played. I'm hoping for 3 but I doubt it considering in October they're releasing an add on that makes SWTOR similar to KOTOR

According to this , SWBF2 was developed by Pandemic Studios, and published by LucasArts soo.....wut? And no. Other than graphics, and Episode VII content, this is NOT the successor I or a lot of other Battlefront fans are looking. I'm waiting until everything is exposed for what it is.

I just don't get it. It seems as if BF2 was more in depth in terms of combat, vehicles, and content. WTF?! No space wars! That was the best god damn part. Bet you a million dollars EA will sell it as an add on like what they do with the Sims. THIS IS NOT A -GRAPHICS- CONTEST. Devs need to get that straight. I would be happy with BF2 graphics so long as they made a solid game. L

EA, Fuck you! - Linus Torvalds


Ahhhhhh. See I only recently learned of the new BF game, and I thought they were keeping the space battles and the development for space/ground crossing over, like what the original BF3 game was supposed to have (RIP BF3 and 1313). I mostly just liked having a mainstream, casual pilot aspect to a game where I could just jump in and dogfight. If they up the vehicles and really nail the aerial vehicles to dogfight in the sky for ground battles, I'd give it hope. My biggest complaint with BF1 was how lackluster the combat was in, say, an X-wing. It felt like an addon, as opposed to an integral part of the gameplay. True, expectations aren't too high for the use of fighters on the field. But if there are maps that are large enough and vehicles developed enough to take full advantage of dogfights, that would add another dimension of combat that could really elevate the experience of the game for people in the air and on the ground.

I don't know if it's going to be this game, but I would love to see a stronger connection between air and ground battles in shooters. I think there is a lot of untapped potential there. Or perhaps it's already been done and I don't know about it?

We should have just gotten a KotOR III to begin with, in my opinion. One thing I hated about the MMO is that they made references to the KotOR games, but they managed to belittle damn near everything they made references to.

I chose not to play it because I just don't care enough about MMOs to keep up with them. I loved KOTOR and Elder Scrolls because I can walk away from them for two years and come back to them right where I left off without having to worry about everything changing or having a whole new game before I finished the original. Had KOTOR III happened, I'd have thrown $60 at Bioware with a "Thank you and good day sirs." But I have no reason to invest in SWTOR.

But who knows? I've gained a new hope (heh heh) for Battlefront with the very presence of its creation. Even if this one is no good, the creation of Episode VII might drive another wave of star wars games that might produce some novel content.

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That very true.

DICE needs to just release all the info about it to clear up all this confusion.

I guess I'm biased, but if EA is making the games then I don't have hope LOL. They lack the formula that even smaller studios have when it comes to producing a good game. Look at Star Citizen for instance... Now I want a dully dynamic Star Wars game :(

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And I don't mind the MMO aspect of games.... Just when I do something change something in the game... That can't be hard

So far we only know of one DLC (the Jakku one), but since this is EA we're talking about they're gonna sell DLC like it was on a god damn commodity's exchange.