so i bought this game because of my friend.....
i figured since i bought it i'd at least learn to play it
then i realized.....
this game is AWESOME....BUT THEN!!!!
when i read an article EA wrote
they decided insteaded of paying monthly for it.....
you pay for BF pts    4.99 500pts  9.99 1000pts  19.99 2250pts
Booster Packs 250pts 8cards     Tome Decks= 6 Booster Packs 1250pts
but each card is worth about 50-200pts but if it's ULTRA RARE like a 1st edition charizard it goes for 1500-2200BF pts which is
about 15-22$ Lol
luckily when u purchase the game u start off with 64-5 cards and 3000bf pts the game cost 29.99 on steam
they lowered the price from 39.99 to that in a matter of 2 days? Lol
As i progressed in the game the same shitty deck gets boring but luckily in this game Campaign is either 1-2Â Â 4-12 maps
so your playing with a couple of people to help u, ITS pretty damn awesome....
so now to this horrible part:
i got in nerd mode and spent 15$ on 1500pts when i should've just spend an extra 5$ for an extra 750 cuz now im going crazy
over this sunderer card...... Lol
if any of you guys play this game u know it's awesome....if u don't and you're already hating download the demo nukkah and try it