inb4 day 1 DLC that unlocks all weapons and upgrades
I agree with some other people here... I think the reason this is being marketed as a Battlefield game is because that game already carries some weight.. people know it.. people like it (or dislike it).. So, it's probably easier to push copies this way rather than making it a whole new franchise.
I personally like BF4 (especially now the kinks are worked out).. and will be interested to see how this game turns out. I'm looking at it through different eyes though.. a Visceral developed, Frostbite engine, team-based game with similar elements to BF4. Not as another Battlefield game.
Yeah, and to cryptnotik above, yeah it does have team based stuff but not in a battlefield way
I mean yeah it does i guess but not with the name battlefield. Imagine calling a game that played like assassin's creed call of duty just because it used the same engine..
Yeah but all the ones before that (apart from bf3) were great and proper battlefield games
Details of the game posted by a YouTuber/competitive FPS guy:
My initial thoughts about Battlefield Hardline:
The good:
- Killcam now displays where the last bullet hit you;
- Money system makes more sense than just points;
- Game mode is fun and frenetic;
- Level Design is appealing, lots of vertical gameplay;
- When we hit the head, we get a red hitmarker, thats good, could be better doe. Would rather have a unique headshot sound like in BC2 or CS, audio Qs are more skill based than something flashing red;
The Bad:
- Feels repetitive;
- Classes are the same as in bf4 but with different names;
- Still can't skip the fucking killcam;
- When you get killed while you were zooming in, the killcam will display the same zoom level, so fucking annoying and its been here since bf3;
The Horrible;
- Netcode is SHIT, instakills, killed around corners, vaulting animation fails, knife takedowns fail;
- Still get stuck on tiny objects;
- 3D Icon clusterfuck is still there and its as gamebreaking as ever;
- Time to kill is low, you get killed really easy, can't imagine it with a less bad netcode, it will be even faster lol;
- Audio-Spot is still there;
- Voice-Feedbacks are still there and still fuck up the stealth effect big time;
- Some weapons are way too powerful, like i got insta killed by a single shot from a sawed off shotgun to the leg from like 15m away.. O_o
- Knife auto-kills are still there... "hey look let me press 1 button and instakill someone";
- You can now take bullets from team-mates by pressing the use key when near them. Why is this bad? teamwork was already bad, now players wont give any fucks about dropping ammo...
- You now have auto-revive feature that revives you when you are killed LOOOOOOOOOOOL
- im tired can't remember more, will keep this updated.
TLDR: Same game-breaking bugs from past bf titles going back to BC2 are still there, same stupid gameplay decisions are still there, added a couple of more retarded decisions such as the auto revive and getting ammo from team mates. So far Battlefield Hardline reminds me of the good old DLCs or expansion packs from the 90's and early 2000's. It has potential but they need to change a considerable ammount of stuff.
Ignore the spelling mistakes, English is not his first language.
Seems like everything on the Frostbite Engine fucking sucks. Oh well, there goes my hopes for Battlefront.
I was really hoping for a sequel to BF2142. That game was awesome. Frostbite 3 and futuristic environments would be EPIC. Sigh, I'll have to wait and pray.
Well I can pretty much assure you that the next battlefield will be futuristic as that is the trend right now! Ever noticed how all the people in Call of Duty: Recycled Warfare have nano suits?? :O It's mainly sad that true Battlefield is now DEAD. The only ones left are Battlefield 1943 for consoles only :( and bad company 2 which is dead on PC and almost on consoles, as far as i'm concerned BF3 isn't a true BF game, it's more like if Call of Duty turned into a Battlefield ish type game, it's all fast pace and there's no vehicular tactics involved, it's just plain different and kinda hard to explain but you get that vibe ay?
Well, for everyone that is complaining, you really need to go and play Red Orchestra 2/ Rising Storm.
Visceral SP, DICE MP.
Yeah, i've had a couple of recommendations about those too! What's the difference between the two? They're both on my steam wishlist now :)
Rising Storm is the "expandalone". If you purchase Rising Storm, it comes with all the RO2 multiplayer content.
It's much more coordinated than you might imagine. Tanks move with infantry advancing on all sides of the tank (providing it is not an infantry only map). PPSH or MP40 sub machine guns to clear out anti-tank soldiers in ruins/structures. Rifle men to take up positions covering. Really good game. By far the best shooter(s) I have ever played.
does any one hear that???
it's the sound of your wallet getting lighter.
game looks like shit.
This sounds amazing, are there many people online?
One Word: EA
There are plenty of people on Rising Storm, which is the pacific theater. I personally prefer RO2, which is the European, German/Russian maps. RO2 has quite a sizeable following in Europe. Whereas Rising Storm will have populated servers in every region.
They add a lot of free content, community made maps, additional vehicles like half tracks. So they are quite generous, unlike EA. That does a good job of keeping the community alive. Game is cheap, frequently goes on sale.
Clear hierarchy of command on each team. Only the team leader can call in artillery, using a fixed radio position. So naturally, he has to have some personal protection. Artillery targets marked by squad leaders.
It's not some arbitrary, thoughtless effort like Battlefield. The people who organise best, will be the team that wins. Organising one last bayonet/ banzai charge to take back a capture point. You haven't played FPS until you've used a bolt action rifle - there's an option for "manual bolting".
If the game is released anywhere nearly as poorly as BF4 was released, then it will totally tarnish the series' name imo. I bought bf4, and it still doesn't play very well in my opinion, even with this new 'netcode fix' patch. They seem to just be spewing our generic shit every year now, following in CoDs steps. But whatever, cash is king
Agreed. 2142 was such an underrated title. Definitely my favourite BF game ever. Too bad 2143 was a flop
Haha yeah bolt actions are good and very even! Like I don't feel like somebody elses gun is far superior, it's like that in Battlefield 1943 (probably not to the extent of rising storm though). I'll definitely be getting this then, Thanks! :D
Well, there are specific classes that are good for different things. You're likely to lose to a sub machine gun in close quarters. HOWEVER, it achieves something that Battlefield cannot! It is balanced!
You can use any weapon for any purpose. I've cleared buildings with a bolt -action, it's quite possible. Sub machine guns are not nerfed at long range, but rifles will prove more accurate. So while some guns have the advantage in certain situations, it feels INCREDIBLY balanced.
I got pretty sick of assault rifles requiring 5 hits at long range in BF4. So unrealistic. One bullet to the centre mass kills is my thing. Shoot someone in the leg and they probably won't die. It's an FPS game that ACTUALLY makes sense!
There are no silly skill trees, no additional armour perks. I've never felt that someone killed me in an unfair way. It can be an unforgiving game, but very fun.