Jesus Christ.
I don't know what to think about this game to be honest but i'll try explain.
So to start with Battlefield 4 was obviously the last one in the series because this is not battlefield at all, in fact i'm not even fully sure if the trailer is a joke or not.
Are all games games turning into this now? I got about 1 minute into the video when they first mentioned the "heist' game mode. At first i I thought "oh yeah i guess that'd be alright" then they went to mention the rest of the multiplayer modes. "Rescue Mode" "HotWire Mode" and "BloodMoney Mode" I then realized that who ever made the post BF4 games is either dead or fired because this game is NOT battlefield.
Ok, so aside from the game not being Battlefield anymore what else is wrong?
Well the "GrandTheft" part of title will be explained here. Now any idiot like me could see that they Hardline and GTA V have something in common, but the fact that the game is somewhat based around heists and things alike makes this game practically a first person, linear and prettier (due to PC version) version of Grand Theft Auto 5. What is it with companies these days? This industry is so bad and some of the once were amazing companies are now complete shit!
There is no tin foil hat on my head, the guys at dice or EA looked at Grand Theft Auto's major success and thought "let's just do exactly that with our own twist". Now yes that is the way art goes, you take someone's idea and make it into your own with some sort of different thing or twist to it but.. HOLY SHIT THIS ISN'T CREATIVE LET ALONE BEING ANYTHING TO DO WITH THE BATTLEFIELD SERIES.
Random Call Outs
Here I will just mention all the stupid little thing said in this video which are either contradictions or just flat out dumb.
"Fans have come to expect one thing when they hear the word 'Battlefield', 'all out warfare'" - I don't know? Have we come to expect that? I know that I don't think that, I may have post 2011 but since then I thought more "Over the top un-finished fun set in a near future environment with vehicles, an alternative to Call of Duty". Now i'm thinking "Full blown farmers, award winning milkers, Copy & Pasta professionals and 'i guess it could be fun in theory but it quite probably won't be'".
There are no quotes here but i noticed that within the first 45 seconds of the trailer there were ALREADY weed references. Now although that may end up being a funny mission and a couple of laughs, the fact that it was in in the trailer at least twice and mentioned in full once is sort just a fish net for grabbing weed smokers (mainly the swag 15 year old cod players).
"Hunting down campers has never been this much fun" - Yeah, right. We don't want to god damn hear that! Camping is the epitome of asshole gamers. You're job is to try eliminate that not glorify it, Jesus wept.
"After delivering amazing story telling in games like 'Dead Space"' - Well I guess they couldn't exactly say after delivering amazing story telling in games like Battlefield 3 and Battlefield 4. Because otherwise I would've shat myself laughing.
Over all the game makes me think of the likes of Payday: The Heist, which is a respectable game and is original, how ever this 'battlefield' game is not. When they had the Medal of Honor series going they would release BF one year and then MoH the next, now that they've unforntuantely got rid of MoH i'm guessing that they're gonna bring out the series every year which is fucking horrible. If they made the game with a new title to replace MoH and keep the BF series Bi-Yearly then that could work but they've completely screwed up now, yay, not. The company is trying to be cool, hip and swag but it's failing miserably.
Will I buy this game? Most likely yes, 1. I'm and idiot and 2. I am an enthusiast and I will want to see and experience the what will be amazing visual effects. There is no doubt the game will look good and i definitely cannot judge it in full until i've played it, so yes I will get it.
If you''ve made it this far then thanks for reading an please leave some comments down bellow with your thoughts or your constructive criticism. Now i'll be off to play Watch Dogs for the first time, a game i've been excited about for over a year of which I have now heard will be a disappointment. Ohh the gaming industry..