Battlefield 4 Woes (AMD)

So I picked up BF4 for Black Friday, and have been monitoring FPS on various settings with my FX 6300 and 7950, and regardless of setting, resolution, etc, I still drop into the 40's, and the 20's on Ultra. I changed resolution to 1280X720, low settings, and STILL dropped into 40's in 64 man TDM. The funny thing is, I disabled 3 cores, and got almost exactly the same FPS as with all 6 cores enable. I know the game is ONLY over a month old, but come on, a game,supposedly AMD optimized doesn't even utilize all the cores properly. I sure hope AMD Mantle is going to work wonders. The game looks great however, and is pretty playable, with some glitches. So, any other AMD users experiencing issues like this, and even if you aren't an AMD user, post your BF4 Woes(performance related of course), I'd love to hear your feedback on this. 

what drivers you running ?

The Newest Beta drivers(I believe it is 13.11v 9.4). Didn't really make a difference with 13.9 though. 

I had a similar problem a few weeks ago i5 and 7950 only running at 30 fps on low med and high i did a reinstall and it fixed itself but its hard to say this may not be the same problem as i had. 

I just installed the game lol. 24 GB's takes quite a long time on 3Mbps DSL. I mean it isn't locked there, it just dips into the 40's regardless of settings. 

Nobody else have any problems?

install windows 8.1. I havent benchmarked yet, but I my rig with a 8350 and 780 ti went from barely being playable at high at 1440p on windows 7 to being able to play on ultra on windows 8.1

I have read that there is increased performance with Window 8, but its about $100. Maybe sometime in January. Hopefully mantle will improve it enough that I won't have to worry about Windows 8 for a while, but that might just be wishful thinking. 

BF4 is a mess at the moment HUGE fix comeing dec 2 ...i still get wild inconsistency on it some maps or game modes give me 30-50 fps and some give me 70-100fps for no apparent reason for instance  i should have worse fps on maps like locker thats all in side where there are a million spamed grenades flying around but this i found is the most optimised map!

And its just broken just wait for them to fix it there are thosands who cant even get the game working at all if you check out the bf4 forums...

(WIN 7 ULT/FX8320@4Ghz/HD7950)

The terrain quality setting is really demanding on some maps, but it varies. I'm hoping for Mantle too, but regardless there will undoubtedly be some improvements to the game under Direct3D as well.

With an i5-3570k and a HD7950 this runs pretty well, and I'm aming for 70fps(custom monitor Hz) as often as possible when online:

Texture Quality: High (could do Ultra, but when playing online I don't have time to see the difference anyway)

Texture Filtering: High (could probably settle for Medium, but High doesn't seem too demanding)

Lightning: Medium (Low looks wierd in some places)

Effects: Low (don't need more for the explosions and stuff, even if might run fine)

Post Process: Low

Mesh: Medium (Low makes too much pop into view for my taste)

Terrain Quality: Low

Terrain Decoration: Low (Some actually claim Ultra gives them more performance, but I haven't seen it. Could be a driver thing.)

AA deferred: Off (would like to use, but too demanding)

AA Post: High (not too demanding, try Medium if things look too soft)

Ambient Occlusion: Off (SSAO might be worth trying, but can be demanding in places)

The thing with terrain decoration is that the settings themselves are bugged. Setting it to ultra will actually make it run on low, and low is ultra. Some people claimed that ultra is low, low is high and medium is actually ultra. Idk about that but it is definitely screwed up. Really weird, but that is why some people report better performance when using higher settings.

I just run everything at Medium for best results. Tried the recommended settings, but on maps like Shanghai my FPS fluctuated like crazy. On recommended settings on BF3(Mix between High and Ultra) I almost never dipped below 60, but like I said, even at 1280x720 with all low settings I dip into the 40's on BF4. At least I've only had two crashes so far lol(in the 2 days I have owned it). 

I was just referring to the terrain decoration settings. The FPS drops are something nearly everyone has, no matter what setup. Even with an i5 4670k @ 4.4 GHz and an overclocked 770 (which is total overkill for this game) it happens to me occasionally. I even heard people with 780s drop to 40 fps or even less. We'll have to wait for the game to be better optimized, nothing you can do right now.