haveu guys seen this sht? ea/dice want to charge you 50$ for a premium service for maps and guns things i my opinion that you should get wiht the game for free. for those of you who play bf3 you guys know all the issues wiht the game that they are not fixing but here they are again trying to get more moeny im sick this shit i m jsut not going to play bf3/ea/ terriable jsut terriable this is jsut as bad as being able to buy skill packs jsut what a waste takes the fun right out of the game
Blame activision, the only reason EA made this battlefield 3 premium shit is to suck money out of us, and for the ones who don't pay force us to buy it or have a shit gaming experience.
Meh, this just sounds like a waste of money. They're not actually changing anything gameplay wise, and I don't mind waiting a couple of weeks for free DLC. Anyone who actually buys this service is just stupid imo.
So...you guys keep talking about having to pay for DLC, but the article never said anything about paying for DLC. It said you could pay a fee to get some customizable aesthetic shit that no one needs and get the DLC TWO WEEKS EARLY. "Two weeks early" doesn't mean you'll have to pay for the DLC two weeks later.
Blame Activision? Really? It's EA thinking it's a good idea. Literally, the CEO is the biggest money grubbing piece of shit in the industry I've ever seen. He legtimately wants to nickel and dime people more than anyone I've ever seen. He's pitched the idea that in Battlefield, if a player were to run out of ammo, a message would pop-up telling them they can pay $1 for more ammunition. That's just ridiculous. Activision may be greedy, but EA takes it to an entirely new level.
Trust me, they won't be free. That said however, this is just an upfront payment to get all the Maps and shit a few weeks early, not a pay per month thing like Cowadooty.
Found it. Told you Dice said they'd never charge for map packs. Oh look at them now...EA's got their pimp hand strong, ready and waiting if DICE slips up and says something like that again.
Did anyone actually pay for Back to Karkand? I mean seriously, I bought some special edition BF3 that came with Back to Karkand for free. It was the same price as the normal BF3, and I didn't have to reserve it or anything. I just picked it up off the store shelf in October. I don't know why more people didn't just do the same.
EA made a HUGE deal about NOT doing this at last years E3 if anyone remembers.
They went on about it like it was their main aim and were referring to COD's "Elite" package saying they were giving us "Elite" but for free and there is no reason to make people pay money for irrelevant things, they said if if a map pack comes out then it comes out early for every one.
This was one of their big selling points that they wouldnt shut up about, how they were giving us 'COD Elite' but for FREE and acting as if they were being generous.
EA are idiots, they have gone completely back on what they said before they sold the game..... They sepecificly said at E3 that they would never do anything like this.....................
I wouldnt harp on about it but.... that like me saying "I promise with my life, you can hire me for this job and Im not going to kill 6 cats" And then a year later killing 7 hoping my eployer forgot I said that.