Battlefield 3 Premium edition worth it?

As you all may know already but right now Origin is having a massive sale on battlefield right now.  They have the standard game of Battlefield 3 for only $10 and they have the Premium edition for only $35.  Now with this on sale I was considering buying BF3 but now I am confused at which version to buy.  Is $25 really worth all the extra DLC with it?


Now what I also wanted to ask is to anyone who has premium, was it worth getting premium over the standard version and how do you feel about the DLC so far?

I got premium at that price and havent regretted it at all, the DLC is definitley worth it (some of the best maps ive played are in the DLC) and you get prioritization in certain things ect... plus each DLC seperately is 10-15$ so you actually save quite a bit of money if you get it.

I have it, and sort of like it (because I'm on console.  Although I'm on Xbox360 I would rather play on PC.  The console version sucks more and more with the nerfing of turn speed etc.  Of all, the game is not that bad with premium. I like the close quarters maps as a COD alternative to more gunfights and no vehicles.  Aftermath is also alright, alot of snipers on those maps sometimes.  Armored Kill is cool if you are team oriented with vehicles (or any map with vehicles) etc. Over all I would have paid the $35 now then the near full price plus premium lol.

I think I missed a DLC... oh back to karkand. Premium you get more weapons, dog tags, maps... (I like the black dog tags lol) Think that's about it...  If I had to seriously judge value, I'd say that deal is FAR more worth than COD's Elite (LMAO).  You get I believe 4 maps per DLC, weapons from B2K (I also think weapons from CQ... and AM) and vehicles from AK.

Also I think BF4 is in the making by the end of this year, may be wrong. In my personal opinion I stopped playing COD and loved battlefield 3, I would say yes it's worth it. Just make sure you like the game and the way it handles vs COD if you're coming from COD.

I have played BF3 before just on the console and well when I did play on the console I loved it.  When I switched over from console I never really had planned on getting because I already had it on console.  Now that I see Origin has it on sale for a huge discount, I think il get the premium edition.  I mean if I am ever gonna get it might as well get it now since the premium edition is cheaper right now than what the standard version is when it isn't on sale. 


That is the one thing I have noticed after switching to PC gaming is that every day there is a good deal going on somewhere whether it be on Origin, Ubishop, Steam.  Doesn't matter the platform of choice there is a deal going on at it.  I love being able to put $80 in my steam wallet and literally being able to buy at least 5 quality games some being AAA titles.


I refuse to pay more then 15bucks on any DICE game, this is because, after my exp with bfbc2 I came to realise that DICE and EA dont give a crap about aimbotters/wall hackers, and when you can get a working hack for under 10bucks a month(7.95 for bc2 from one place, and theirs has been around years no pb detections....) 

I refuse to give more then 15bucks to them, the fact that I know of at least 6 places that sell bf3 aimbots/wall hacks, and the cheapest ones is undetected and has been since launch......they need to stop relying on PukeBuster to do their anti-hack.....

PB isnt the greatest but on the servers i play on if you do this youll be kicked in a matter of seconds either by Admin or Votekick, so hacking is a Non-issue when i play, and ive logged over 150Hours in the last few months and have had a problem with hackers maybe twice and it was only for a few minutes.

Damn I guess I joined the forum a day late bc I just saw Premium for $20 yesterday on Green Man Gaming or Gamersgate can't remember which

BeyondNight: sure its a non-issue, just like i have people who to this day insist there are no hackers in bc2 or any of the CoD games...

the fact is, if they dont "rage" then they can spend hours getting away with it, I had a recording of a guy i was teamd with in bc2, his clan(some snooty christian clan) insisted he didnt hack and had a rep as a hacker for "just being good" after 45min of footage it was VERY clear he knew just where people where, and was getting impossible shots(half way across the map or more with an uzi for example), in the end, over half the clan quit because the people running it stood behind their hacker buddy....

its a far far bigger problem then most want to admit, yes  somebody raging will get the boot very fast but, most people using these things dont rage they just have oddly high k/d's or get amazing shots(like shooting from one end of heavy metal to the other and getting headshots), or sniping with a slug shotgun.

again, I personally wont buy this game till its price drops to 15 or less for the preimum edition, because, honestly, I dont feel like paying to deal with hackers.....its also why I have quit a few other games I enjoied damn many hackers.....

for bc2 there was a public wall hack that went 9 months zero detections, when they did detect it, after 9 months, the author did a minor mod to it, and it was back up for another 4 before it was detected again.....thats sad.....

meh, if you dont want to admit theres a problem, or dont care thats cool, as long as you enjoy for myself, I will try and avoid games where you can pay 7-10bucks and get a totally unfair advantage. 

YES, get it now!

The people who cry about hackers, are usually the bad players of BF3, i am not saying there is no cheaters, as that would be a massive lie, but it is no where near as bad as folk make out.


Here is some video's i did of my time in BF3, really good game if you can get used to it :)



Quite a bit of footage, but worth a look to see what you can expect from this game :)

If you get premium I will.



IMO hacking/exploiting should be a one strike thing, ban. No second chances, entire account perma ban. You cant accidently download a hack and set it up etc it's a process that you have chosen to do with the goal of ruining another players experience (which they payed for). Obviously during every loading screen there should be a notice saying something like 'Hacking/exploiting or other methods of manipulating your ingame experience is against the terms of service and will result in permanant ban'.

This may already be in place, I'm not sure, but I know that they perma banned people who used mods which made the game alot more colourful or something so there is no reason for them not to do this.

Personally, I have never seen any problems with hackers or cheaters in BF3.  I am sure there are several, but I think the community is pretty good at stamping them out or they just seem to keep with themselves.  BF3 Premium is a great deal and the game is really a hell of a lot of fun!