Battlefield 3 completely free on origin


This should be on the main page!

free bump

ermagerd! But origin is a turd. :-\


I would like to get this but I really don't want to reinstall origin, so I think I'll pass on this

well shit, i just got bf3 working again two days ago and now there's going to be a million new accounts for teh haxors

i've never actually seen a hacker in bf3, but it's to be expected never the less

Downloading but argh 20GB... This is gonna take a while

Bump. buuu, buu, bummp!

Agreed. But this is worth it cause I'm cheap as hell! lol

Bump. It's a great game unlike the current battlefield.

I can't wait to go stomp so noobs.

I have like 5 copies of the damn thing from origin bundle....

I'm downloading this tomorrow. One question, does it include multiplayer? 

Is this a few days free or grab it for free and keep it?

It should include multiplayer. Not all of the DLC though.

It's for free and keep it.

I will applaud origin for having a good solution to promoting their platform. I wonder if it is entirely through generosity or if some part of it is to increase the player base because the bushiness controversy involved with battlefield 3's production.

I am not getting it even though its free for a number of reasons. First, its EA. Its not just a common lets hate ea circle jerk either. EA ruined a lot of game brands for me that I am personally attached too. RIP Maxis, Origin Systems. I also still consider origin a shovel-ware program that comes preinstalled on store bought laptops which actually takes a bit of effort to remove.

The free argument does not work well on me, yes the game is truly free on their platform, but that means being subjugated too their platform. I would probably still stick too tf2 even if I did get it, because that is the game i play with my friends the most.