so you've clicked on this thread because there are games to be given away. how do you get said games then?
well you answer one of the 2 following questions. whomever answers the question correctly first gets the game that goes with that question. so here goes,
question/riddle time. these are the most interesting i could come up with for now.
question 1 is for arkham asylum, question 2 is for arkham city
(name) who is the actor who also is a game designer.
i am a game from the early 2000's where you command small squads through environments in the middle-east/asia. what game am i?
yes they're kinda vague but that's the point i guess. can't make it too easy for everyone ;)
you have until midnight Friday the 16th of Jan to answer the question(s). please note that is Friday in Australia so essentially thursday for those of you in the US, times may vary. 12.00am AEST saturday the 17th is the cut off. if by then one or both games are not claimed i will do what i will with them and you guys will just have to see what that ends up being.
enjoy.and goodluck.