Bathesda Launcher Issue

My friend got me Doom Eternal for PC from GameStop. I have managed to get the Bathesda Launcher installed with Lutris, but I cannot seem to get the game to install. I click the install button and the UI just spins and finally goes back to normal. I’ve tried multiple wine versions to no avail. Does anyone have any ideas?

So immediately after posting I found this video on YouTube.


To sum it up, you click install then delete the cdpprod.dch file and rename the cdpprod.dch.tmp file to cdpprod.dch. At this point I had to click install again, but it worked this time.

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Thank you for sharing the video

Symbolic issue perhaps, that can be a common problem on linux distrobutions…

Linking files that way, seems to circumvent many issues that stem from launchers in general. Something to keep in mind when being a linux user :slight_smile: