Basic raid setup

safe mode also reboots and never makes it in

when booting into safe mode, what point does it freeze at.

ok i figured out it was just a windows related issue and just reinstalled it and it's booting quite well now.

the drives are stupidly fast. They are syntheticly benchmarking at about 10 times the speed of the hdd. in actual practice they also seem to be much faster at loading things of course time will tell how good they are with video files.

what raid did you go with

raid 0

yeah you need to be careful of one of the drives failing. if 1 fails then ALL data is lost on the raid

really didn't know that. it's as if you're the first person to tell me that.

Gee its almost like we're all trying to reiterate something important because your drives are low-quality and the setup is dangerous as is .-.

I think whats actually happening is this,

My machine is already backed up twice

So in an attempt to make it seem as if I'm incorrect for using a faster less reliable main drive setup that has any files it uses backed up twice by hard drives , you're advising I use the slower more reliable method to essentially have my files backed up 3 times in the same location.

Despite the fact the SSD's don't have enough storage capacity to hold the files in the first place. correct?

Is your machine live backing up everything as you do it? Because if not, then there is still a chance to loss data. The point is this, those drives are absolute garbage if I'm being honest. I wouldn't trust fuck all on them, so having them in a raid 0 and effectively doubling the chance they will fail is just asking for it to happen. You'd be better off installing more ram and editing off a ram disk, I'd wager that if your using a UPS, it would actually be safer to edit that way. Those are TLC drives, and bad ones. TLC is exponentially more likely to fail over MLC drives, they're just bad. The read and write are prone to rapid degradation as the flash chips fail, which they inevitably will. Its just an all around bad drive that your putting in a danger prone setup. Its not as fast as it could be, ram disk. Its not as safe as it could be, Raid 1. Its not advisable, at all.

Adobe already does that and reads the video files off the ram and it'll easily fill the ram with files. The ssd's will just feed the ram faster than the drives.

I couldn't think of a response to this but i found this insanity wolf meme to be funny