Bash help

Say you have a directory


Im trying to come up with a loop that will either start at the top level and work down… eg



or in reverse…


… etc

find /path -type d -exec <do your thing>

There are other ways

edit: doesn’t necessarily loop, as once its done going through all the directories it will stop

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not sure about the reverse thing, you may need to store in some variables and what not.
‘ls -r’ should list recursively e.g. iterate through libraries as they come.
maybe, and im not putting my head on the block here.
but ‘ls -R (path)| sort -R’

Won’t work.

It’ll only grab directories under the /path/path2 that I give it.
Thanks for the reply.

It’ll grab all directories under the base path you give it, example:

a@host:~$ find ~ -type d -exec echo {} \;

What do you require thats different?


cmd="ls -R (path)"
dirs=´eval $cmd´

for(( i=0 ; i<${dirs[@]} ; i++ ))
echo "I am larger"

for(( i=${dirs[@]} ;i>0 ;i-- ))
echo "I am lesser"

This should “approx” do it.
The script doesnt work but it’s base idea is read a path recursively, and store as a array.
and just print, and print recursively.
I wont give you the actual solution this is what google is for, but it’ll nudge you in the right direction.

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Not trying to get directories that are under the starting path.
Trying to set facls on a specific dir and then going back up the tree … set a facl for g+x so they can cd into the dir below.

I got it figured out… post the script later… if anyone cares

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Dont need subdirectories… explain more later.

Your solution post makes things far more clearer :smiley: . your OP says recurse directories, which both solutions do :stuck_out_tongue:

You litterally asked for a recursive iteration back, and forth in the OP.
down and up, what ever you wanna call it.

GL on your assignment.

Say the dir treee looks like this:


And I only want these two dirs:



I needed to set a write FACL on just those two… but for the other group/user to get into either of those dirs they need ‘x’ permission on the dirs leading into those two specific dirs.

So given i needed write on:


I needed to give execute on each of these:


@Eden @Lauritzen
Sorry I was so bad in the OP trying to explain what I needed.
I really appreciate attempt to help me.
I was rushing when I made the OP trying to get some help.

I cant remember exactly… but the script ended up working looked like this:

LIST=$( echo /tmp/tmp/DJE4/LOGS/lows /tmp/tmp/PIA/files/tif )

for zz in $LIST ; do

if [ -d $zz ] ; then
 echo $zz
 setfacl -m g:devs:rwX $zz
 count=$( echo $zz | awk -F/ '{print NF}' )
  let count=count-1

   while [ "$count" -gt 1 ] 
     NEWDIR=$(echo $zz | cut -d/ -f1-$count )
     setfacl -m g:devs:x $NEWDIR
     let count=count-1
    exit 0


Output looks like this