Ballistic Overkill - Why is this game so dead?

This is a pretty great shooter, just curious why there are so few people playing. It’s cheap, runs on windows, osx and linux and runs very well. Doesn’t make a lot of sense to me why there are so few folks online for this one.

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I’ll give you my answer…
I checked the steam page. Keeping in mind I am not a shooter fan and I don’t really like any FPS or 3-rd person shooters - there is absolutely nothing in the trailers and imagery they are showing, that looks interesting, appealing or whatever to me.
On PC the shooter market is so sooo oversaturated, I am surprised there are still games, that have large playerbase. You have so much choice, even a lot of free FPS and 3PS shooters…


The graphics look good.

From what I understand it started life as a game on Facebook

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This. It’s just the 347-millionth iteration of exactly the same game. There’s nothing about it that lets it stand apart from the 346,999,999 identical games that have gone before.

Every few hours a new FPS crawls into the market, and further dilutes and spreads the “pew pew” player base. Given that the rate that new FPS games are being released is greater than the rate at which the FPS player base is expanding, it’s not even zero-sum any more — it’s negative.

For a game to even make a dent nowadays, it needs a “gimmick” — like PUBG’s radiation barrier. Ballistic Overkill doesn’t have one.

Modest system requirements make a game more accessible. Multi-platform even more so. Obviously that’s not enough of a magnet for players in the current market. Maybe if they introduced “hair physics” or a “dance studio”? :wink:

good points everyone. I guess I’ll just have to play with friends and deal with no community.

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Everything is more fun with friends… Sex comes to mind… Solo queue is rarely enjoyable unless you are really really good…

i solo que CS:GO comp all the time and enjoy it. ( am mediocre but still have tons of fun.)

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