The cool air of fall is upon us, tis the season for some good old fashion baking and more. Let us share recipes, Ideas, favorites, etc. In other words
What kind of bread do you like? Personally when I comes down to just a basic loaf of bread I love Italian style bread. A flaky outer layer around an airy inside. But when It comes down to fancy bread, cheese and jalapenos baked in throughout is great.
What are you're favorites, any special recipes you would like to share with everyone?
I also have an interest in baking chocolate chip cookies and cinnamon rolls.
What other things do you bake, or have been meaning bake? or any special recipes you personally have.
i am not much of a baker, but I like to bake Zucchini bread. My aunt has a great recipe for it, but I don't have it on me.
Last time I baked though...idk if it is considered baking. It was in a baking dish though, so maybe. A layer of 12 hour slow cooked barbecue chicken, with home made macaroni and cheese on top of it, then a top layer of tater tots, cooked at 250 degrees Fahrenheit for about half an hour.
I frequently bake up batches of flatbread, they're great for their versatility. Great on their own, or for impromptu bruschetta or personal-size pizza. I usually end up using them for either some sort of Mexican/Tex-Mex themed course, or something Middle-Eastern.
Otherwise, I make just a generic loaf of whole wheat bread, with a light crust.
For confections, I have a quick-and-easy shortbread recipe that I dabble with. I'm kind of known for making homemade pop-tarts when company comes over.
Lately I've been baking spelt bread because that's what I like for the moment. I don't like typical German bread that much, I find it hard on the stomach. But I'm addicted to Kaisersbrötchen, although I might not always just cut a simple cross in the top, I like to explore more intricate geometrical shapes lol.
I have to bake a couple of ciabatta breads on Saturday for visitors, some very modern bread to change from the medieval spelt bread lol.
Everybody should make his own bread I think, it's less time consuming than actually going to the Bakery and buying it, and you have full control over the ingredients. I use an automatic baking machine, works great, and takes no time at all.
I also like mattetaarten, aka mattentaarten. For advanced dessert bread/cake bakers, I would definitely recommend giving that a try! Better than waffles! Unfortunately I don't always have time to make them, and they're impossible to get in Germany, it's a typical Eastern Flemish cake, from a small town south of Ghent called Geraardsbergen (the French call the city "Grammont"). It's like dessert bread or cake, but not quite, and it's called "matteTAART", but it's not really a tart. It's a category of its own.
That's one thing, but the "normal" bread in Germany is pretty spongy, and everything is really salty. A lot of German bread is not made with yeast, so the consistency is quite rigid, and the acidity is quite high, or there is a bitterness to it. It's something like German coffee, I just can't get used to it, it fights my stomach lol
I haven't though about making flat bread, I should try it and see because you're right It is fairly versatile. Although I've never heard of homemade pop-tarts. I should try that because It sounds like it would be really good.
You're definitely right about saving money by baking you're own bread, and in mos cases it tastes better too. The savings from making your own food is true of a lot of things and I think it's one of the joys of cooking. You get to make what you want and usually will have left overs, and you'll still have some money left over. One way I learned to save even more money cooking is from a woman on youtube named Fresh Princess. She said to go to a local flower distributor and ask if they'll sell to persons and buy one large bag of whatever consistency that you wish and put it in plastic tubs. You'll save a lot of money by getting it in bulk and skipping shipping and shelf costs.
I probably wouldn't like a lot of German bread's since for me my main eating bread is types of Italian or French breads. I'll take a look Mattetarrten though.
oh gawd yeah it was delicious. Hell, I reheated it in the microwave 4 hours after it got cold and it was still good. Me and my dad like to experiment with food. Sometimes its a disaster, sometimes its genius.