Bad USB stick?

I recently got some USB 2.0 sticks to put ventoy on. Since speed is not important I went for cheap.

It’s a 128GB Phillips USB.

I’ve noticed copy speeds would quickly drop to very low numbers and I had to start using rsync to be able to restart. Which then needed to happen several times.

Quitting individual applications made it suddenly got a lot faster. Weird.

I had it formatted as exFAT

Now formatting the stick as NTFS, on windows, without quick format checked. It’s been going 2 hours and is barely halfway.

Is this a bad USB stick? How would I verify such a thing?

Cheap sticks → Slow controllers and memory → Slow performance especially if you’re not doing sequential writes

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Cheap memory is slow, they put a cache for burst perf, out side of that will perform like ass

Cheap sticks, cheap performance.

Not telling me anything I don’t already know.

Non of this explains why it literally stops and then continues when I close any random application.

Slow I/O and queues which we’ve already explained

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