Bad time to build a PC (Q1 2013)? - worth a wait?

With HD 8970 coming out and all... and of course the "tock" Hasswell coming out in 5-6 months. DDR4 also looks nice but it's going to be the norm only in 2014/15 so not too bothered about that :P

I was going to build a PC but decided to wait a couple months for th 8970. Worth it in your opinions?

Curious what people's opinions are on buying a PC at this time. :P

Here would have been the build:

BTW, first post! Whoop!

Personally id wait, Apparently Haswell is going to be an Overclock Monster and after the 7000 series the 8000 series is probably going to be just as great, and hopefully the Nvidia 700 series is great aswell.