I’ve been trying out looking glass for the first time at 3440x1440 and despite it listing as running at 60ups and 60fps, it feels more like around 40fps, I’ve mainly been testing with doom eternal in windowed borderless however its the same in any other app.
I understand that as according to the faq that above 1200p there is performance issues so i’m pretty certain that’s the issue, especially considering that when i try games at 1080p and change the client monitor’s resolution to 1080p as well, it actually feels like 60fps.
However i want to check here just in case there is anything i can do about it.
i7 8700k (4c/8t to guest with dynamic isolation)
32gb 3200mhz ram (16gb to guest using dynamic hugepages)
rx580 (host)
rx5700xt (guest)
z370 asrock extreme 4 motherboard
host OS: Arch with kernal 5.9 with ACS and Navi reset patch.
Guest OS: Windows 10 pro 2004
LG Version: B2-0-g76710ef201 from AUR running at default settings.
Thanks for any help
is it possible that my display cables aren’t good enough?
i got a display port 1.4 for my virtual machine, then a display port to hdmi cable for the host (standard isn’t listed)
edit 2:
Figured it out, i replaced the display port to hdmi cable with a hdmi cable with 18gbps bandwidth, and its now working perfectly.
I was unaware that cable bandwidth mattered so much, but it makes sense. At least i’m assuming it is the bandwidth which made the difference.