Backup PC weird behavior

Hello Level one community,

over the last few weeks I have accumulated all the parts for a backup system.
I have 12 “old” SAS 4TB HDDs from work that are no longer needed and I wanted to use them as a personal backup.

Here is the parts list:
MoBo: ASRock Z370M-ITX/ac (already lying around from older project)
CPU: 8700K (same as Board)
RAM: 32GB G.Skill Aegis 3200MHz
PSU: Corsair SF600 with an aditional Molex cable from another of the same psu and 60cm molex extensions to reach the backplane
Case: FANTEC SRC-3168X07
HBA: Broadcom SAS 9300-16i (refurbed flashed to IT mode)
Drives: 12x 4TB Seagate Exos SAS

So i put everything into the rack case, set up truenas scale and created a 12 drive raidz2 pool.

But unfortunately I get some weird behavior from the drives, which they dont show in my old backup system in the Silverstone CS381.

When the drives spin up they sound normal for a few seconds. When they have fully spun up there is a weird high pitch noise almost all of the time.
Here is a soundsample:
They almos always make that sound, in bios, in os. They mostly don´t do it while transfering files.

Also there is some weird behavior when transfering files.
Here is a video of me writing data to the array:
As you can see the blue activity lights blink, then all of them stop blinking, the drives sound like they stoped doing something, and then it just continues. This cycle repeats about every 5-7 seconds.

Does anyone know what the hell is going on here?

Unfortunately the forum does not let me post links…
so here are the YT Video IDs:

watch?v=vkUrmL2_6J4 and watch?v=CudjzfSLK_E

the weird sound has to be because of the case/its backplane
Drives didnt make the sound in a Silverstone case and I tried different RAID Card and PSU.

Anything I can do about it and is it kiling my drives??

if you looked at old raid arrays, they either had lots of rubber vibration dampening, or had a limited number of drives per case. This was because if all of the drive heads moved together, it created a vibration that the drive heads could not compensate for. They started putting additional accelerometers on the hard drives to detect this, around the age of 10tb drives, but only in the NAS lines. I don’t know if this is your issue, but it is worth looking into.

Thanks for your answer.
I don´t know if the issue is related to that.
I get that sound no matter how many or few drives are connected.
Even with just 1 drive it makes that sound. That same drive does not make that sound when in the CS381.

You may want to try a different power supply lead to the sas backplane. In case the power rail you are currently using is also supplying the motherboard with power.

Drives might not like either having the 3.3v rail attached or not having the 3.3v rail attached
if the backplane is powered by molex then it could they arent getting 3.3v and they really want it

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