Slight dose of nostalgia question. It came to mind, while I was plotting some game acquisitions [towards an XP-Box]. Games were including those I’ve played prior [regardless of console / PC], along with some never have touched. I was then looking at specs needed to run [minimums and NOICE stuff alike]. A few games would be really out, to make the rig condensate with concern… aka, the “PC-Melters”
- What was your 1st game, that made your setup [at the time] just get unceremoniously bludgeoned?
- Would you have considered your rig, suitable towards that game [before trying to play it]?
- Do/Did you have hunch, on why it was so?
Any salvage attempts to get it running? [beefing up a component, setting dialing, etc.] - Ever replayed that game, with a [outright] new rig? Success / Redemption?
Supreme Commander ['2007?]
- I anticipated it would run, but needing to run with lowered settings, for comfortable pace
- The [Laptop] GPU was culprit
- [Non-upgradable / highest conventional option applicable - next tier up, would’ve been some WS suited chip at $$$$$]
- Actually yes, I did a few years later, on a desktop tower. A bit more visual flashiness, via DX10 “perks”… But was [still] crushing muhh rig, once large swarms were present/engaged and some occasional game-bricking synced strikes