Got a ton of games, and have played but a few (mainly Spelunky and Skyrim). What are the games gathering digital dust in your library, that you know you should play, yet haven't (yet)?
For me:
XCOM: Enemy Unknown
I've never played an XCOM game and all I hear is how amazing this game is. I own it, I must play it soon.
Mark of The Ninja
Apparently it's one of the best stealth games out there, and is meant to be a ton of fun.
I did give this a little go one evening before bed, but a game of this depth really requires a lot more time to get into it. It's there on my desktop! Why am I not playing it!?
Yeah those damn sales. I played the crap out of Dark Souls on the 360, but when I got it for PC I found it buggy and shackled by Games For Windows Live. Now that it's free of the latter, I may start playing it again.
Yeah I have had the game in my library for a while, but waited for the GFWL to go away before I started it. I have over 100 hours in Dark Souls 2 so I can't wait to jump into this one.