Backlit, ergo and maybe mechanical keyboard?

I've been an MS "Natural" (ergonomic) keyboard user for years.  Anything less ergo slows down my typing and just feels unnatural.  Fine for a limited space like a tablet or laptop but on the desktop?  Natural all the way!

So now I'm looking for a good keyboard for gaming, in a dark room.  I know there are a ton of backlit keyboards but how many ergonomic ones?  Mechanical would be nice too, but not a primary requirement.

So far the only one I've been able to find is the Adesso Tru-Form 150 for about $40 on Amazon but reviews there suggest it might not be the highest in quality construction or operation.  Does anyone have any better recommendations?  Anyone had one of these Adesso keyboards long enough to really give an experienced opinion on them?

Thanks in advance! 



This is crazy!


Not mechanical... but back lit and not $300

Have you seen this crazy stuff?

Best part is the custom community for them makes then cherry switches and LEDs