Back again with a bigger budget - $800 USD

Disclaimer:I am a total noob to this, I have been on console forever.
I would just like someone's advice on how to improve this build, or what I can take out to save money.

The SSD is just to put stuff on like Photoshop, iTunes (all my music), and my OS - all my main programs.

FPS: 60+ on high-ultra settings (the best settings I can run).
Resolution: My monitor (Asus VN274h-p) is at 1920x1080 - but I am willing to buy another monitor (budget not included to PC) recommendations would be nice.
Games: CS:GO, H1Z1, LoL, and Minecraft (with room to get a decent Steam library if I wanted)

Photoshop CS6

Thank you in advance, you all are great and I would really like to be apart of the wonderful "Master Race" community.

  • That CPU isn't overclockable so I wouldn't bother getting a Z97 board.
    • Maybe not worth getting an aftermarket CPU cooler if you're not going to overclock unless you're just after silence & are going to ramp the fan speeds down.
  • Could get a better GPU with that budget really
    • 2GB of VRAM isn't going to do you well for long

Maybe something like this:

Note if you dropped the SSD you could get a 390. Really depends upon how much you value faster boot & loading times in comparison to frame rates.

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