Awkward Eyefinity setup help?

i've been curious about Multi-monitor gaming, like eyefinity or surround, and have been wanting to check out a 3 screen portrait surround setup. while looking at my current monitors, i find that a portrait 1080p screen is too narrow for my tastes. so could i replace the center screen with a 16:10 monitor? something like 2 1080p's and a 1920x1200 in the center? all 3 would be in portrait mode, so it's 1920 vertical pixels across the board. the only difference is the extra 120 horizontal pixels in the center. would this be possible? 

Thanks in advance!


It's possible, particularly with AMD's eyfinity (I gamed with a 24", a 19" and a 17" monitor in eyefinity, all with very different resolutions, just to test it). Bezels are annoying, but if you have uniform sytle's monitors, shouldn't be a big issue.

I'd say the most difficult part would be finding an affordable 16:10 monitor, as they aren't as popular as they used to be.