Awful fan noise

I just installed my h105 and it works great.  The only problem is that even when under the slightest load, the fans start making this extremely annoying sound.  It is a hard to describe sound, it isn't coil whine, it is a lower pitched sound.  I am hoping that the noise goes away, but in the meantime, I am wondering what this sound is.  Hopefully someone can help.

That is a little higher pitched than what mine is but it sounds similar.  Please tell me that if that is what's going on there is a way to fix it.

As a coil can vibrate at any level, the pitch can vary greatly (its just the higher pitches are easier to notice).

What have you got the fans plugged into? The pump unit or motherboard fan headers? Try switching them around and see if this aids the issue.

That's the issue.  There are no headers on 105s pump.  I am using the cpu fan header with the included pwm splitter.

All my headers are in use with one of them already having a splitter on it.  What fan controllers would you recommend.

Corsair fans a shockingly bad for such a well regarded brand. Im sadly still using the same fans that came with my H110 but I would swap them out as soon as I can.

I'm not sure a fan controller will solve that problem if it is indeed PWM wine or whatever (never heard of such a thing) it could just be the fans are bad. Corsair's RMA department is great and all but it would really blow to have to send your cpu cooler back for some new fans. If you want some big boy pants, fan controllers are a must on all my builds they are just better then plugging into the Mobo. I recommend the NZXT Sentry Mesh it's simple, looks good, is cheap, supports up to 30 watts, and has 5 3pin fan headers powered by a single molex, and it has extended cables to actually reach the fans you need to plug in and still have room to manage cables, imagine that! Sense we are talking about PWM fans here and I just stated 5 3 pins you might be like WTF; if you are willing to do a little bit of modding (cut the little plastic tab holding back your better PWM fan headers) it works just fine. I have 3 of them! 

Also consider just getting different fans, The Corsair SP 120mm QE and HP are both really good fans the HP edition can be loud but that's what fan controllers are for! I use the SP QE for my H100i and they work really well, and are silent. a fan controller is 20$ a pack of fans is around 30$