Awesome deal on R9 280X

I saw this and had to post. I am unemployed right now, but if I were not, I would hit this.

it is an XFX R9 280X for $250:


I love XFX. I think they make the best AMD cards out there. Any of their "Black Edition" cards can be considered best in class.  I had a 6870 Black Edition that was absolutely the best overclocking card I have ever had. I mined with it whenever I was not gaming, adn when it died (running at 1300 mHz 24/7), they sent me a 6950 to replace it (a serious upgrade).

Anyway, my XFX fanboyism aside, this is a solid deal. Although I must admit, I like the XFX  grey/black 7970 shroud more than this all black version. 

If they still do lifetime warranties then this is a really good deal.


Holy Crap!  I've been looking at this card for awhile and now I have an excuse to buy it.  What do you think of this card?