So I made this forum because I am a console player and have been amazed by Pc and want to convert to pc. And Im on a £430 or $650 budget. I have already configuired one on Amazon. So please could you tell me if they are good or cold you give me suggestions.
CPU: AMD Phenom II x4 965 BE, 3.4 GHZ, Quad core
Motherboard: Asus M5A78L-M/USB3
Ram: Corsair 8Gb 1600 Mhz (2 x 4) DDR3
Case: CiT Vantage Type-R with HD audio and 4 Fans.
Hard Drive: Seagte Barracuda 1TB, SATA 3, 64mb cache
PSU: Corsair builder series 500w Modular, 80 plus bronze certififed
Optical Drive: LG 24x SATA internal DVD rewriter
Graphics card: XFX Radeon 7770 1Gb Black edition Double Dissipation
I will be updating the list if people give me good ideas
UPDATE: I want a different power supply and cheap but good case fans right now I have picked the arctic F12
UPDATE 2: Getting this case
If you have better reccomendations please comment and also do you guys no specifiec models of power supplies dont mind if modular or not but it will be better and also 80 plus certified. Thanks for helping
UPDATE 3: I am sticking with this Bitfenix case becuase of the cable magangement options.
Also getting two of these fans because they are cheap and are a good brand also some good reviews
Please I need help with the Power supply
UPDATE 4: The power supply I am moving towards right now is the XFX pro 550w 80 plus bronze