Avexir Raiden Memory

Hey peeps! :O)
Just seen this video by TastyPC. The memory looks interesting! Just wondered what your thoughts are on it?!

Noisy ram? Who would of thought it?

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True that!!!

I've had Avexir ram, the kit I had wouldn't overclock worth a damn, and had some compatibility issues. Other then that it came in some of the best packaging I've ever seen, and the ram I maintain is some of the best looking Dimms money can buy. Overall I feel despite the Mobo compatibility issues and the total lack of room for overclocking (DDR3) this is a good brand, just make sure your Mobo is listed as compatible. Avexir people if you see this redeem yourselves give me some ram I'll overclock it, prove you are not duds!

My thoughts about them, they dont make any sense to me.

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I'd rather just look at lauren than the ram to be honest with you.

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Oh I agree 100% with you on that!!! :O)