Average Lifespan of A USB Flash Drive?

Just dont be constantly rewriting or reformating the drive. Managed to kill a 64 gb Sandisk that way.

I had a 16GB Corsair Voyager, I lasted 8 months flat.

It died on its third trip through the washing machine

I have actually been wondering about this my self. Is there any way to check the hours powered on or bad/retired sector count like you can with a hard drive?

I have found some system logs referencing retired sectors on a disk but that's about it.

Is this a hint to not by Corsair Flash Drives? :)

If I were to chart out out long my flash drives have lasted based on amount of Wash cycles they're survived, the voyager is actually close to the top.

But It's been replaced by the survivor Stealth

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I have this 16gb Ecko that's been holding up for 2 or so years now with near constant use and I've even had distros on it for long periods at a time. It feels like it's falling apart though, but it works.