AutoCAD build mainly for 2D

I looking for a PC for AutoCAD, could someome give me some recommendations, if I use AutoCAD mainly for 2D, no 3D, no large date files etc., do I still need powerfull graphics cards (as I found recommended in similar posts)?

Also, I checked AutoCAD official page, there some PC that are specificly recommended for AutoCAD (, does those PC have any kind of adavantge?

For smaller files and no huge projects, AutoCad 2011 runs well on my 2008 MSI notebook with 4GB ram, Intel Core Duo and GT9600m GT (512MB)

the systems you see recommended all heave WS gpu's and multy core CPU's, this is for rendering models, working on larger files, thus  16GB memory.

with a normal GPU (nvidia gtx7xx... amd r9 ...) the rendering/processing is done on the CPU that's why  you need more cores, 

unless you will be running VM's with it, 8 GB of ram is good, a SSD helps to lad stuff faster.

In terms of CPU get a good intel if you heave the money like the  intel 5830k or 4790k or non 'k' if you don't overclock, intel Xenon ofc, but if you are on a budged the AMD FX 8350 8 "core" works wonders, at least i don't see a difference between a amd fx8120 and a i7 3750k

ps: autodesk should supports openCL/GL for  ther 3d stuff but i didn't had time to test it of 4 my self yet


Ignore the Autodesk recommendations, you won't see any benefit of a Quadro/Fire Pro over a GTX/Radeon card.

Go for the best single core performance CPU you can afford & 8Gb minimum of RAM, you likely wont get anywhere near 16Gb but its always nice to have more of a good thing. Hardware acceleration in AutoCAD is Open GL based so you an go with either a GTX or R9 to suite your budget.

I build a workstation for my girlfriend, she's mainly working with ArchiCAD, both in 2D and 3D.  I put in a Xeon 1620 v2, 16GB of RAM, a FirePro W5000, a couple of SSDs and HDDs and so on. It's a prettly beastly machine. But honestly, it's absolute overkill.

Yeah, FirePro W5000 is total overkill in my case.

Here is what I am thinking of buying
Any advices? I am not sure should I go with GTX 750 or GTX 760. Is GTX 750 enought or should I spend extra?

Also, I am new here, and I am from Europe, does PCPartPicker ship parts to EU?

Pls, correct your link and remove "Any" from the end of it :)

If what you r building is going to be used mainly for 2D Autocad stuff, its overkill IMHO. You can save a lot of money on graphics card. As i mentioned, it works on my old 512MB GT9600 so any low end GPU would do fine for you. But if you got the cash to spend, go for it, you can at least use it while gaming :)

PCPartPicker does not ship to EU as far as I know, so you gotta search amazon or your local vendors for acurate prices. Also, shipping from US is quite expencive IMO.

pcpartpicker does eu pricing... at least for the uk, france, germany... i mean, pcpartpicker doesn't actually sell or ship anything, it's just a website

Yes, thats what I meant, thanks for clarifying. If you r in the EU, its not worth to pay for shipping unless its small (cheap to send) or only sold in US. If you happen to live in right country, you can order from amazon and by using affiliate code from TekSyndicate, you can support the site.

Pcpartpicker sucks for the Euro-area. I'd use instead, it works amazing especially for Germany and Austria.

Here's a little suggestion how I'd do it if I where you, with Euro prices. You could get away with something cheaper, but this little workstation I put together is going to serve you well for quite some time. Fast and rock-solid.

Sooo, if talking about my build, apart from GTX760 may be too much in my case, all other parts are good, reliable? This is my first build, not sure what to look for :)

 The ChrisG build is a little bit over my budget :/

Well, what is your budget? That's always good to know


That's a tricky question, because of different prices in US/EU, but it should be up to 900 USD in USA prices. Oh, and I got a suggestion to change motherboard to ATX size, rather than mATX, but not sure on what basis should I chose it. And one more thing, I think I will be using SketchUp, thus GTX760 may best GPU for my case..?

Why bother with US$ prices if you don't live there?

So your budget is 750-800€, right?

In short, ~900$ in USA and ~900€ in Europe, due to different prices in USA/EU.

There you go, just below 900, but still very capable: