Auto Spell Correct on New Phone is Pissing me off - solved-

Bought my first Samsung smartphone a little while ago and the auto spell corrects t is trash. I’m sick of it changing the words I type. I don’t see any option to turn it off. Do I have to download a new keyboard app? If so, do you have any recommendations?

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Go to the settings menu. Then find Input methods, click Samsung Keyboard and the option to turn off predictive text should be in there.

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i have turned off auto correct from the day i wrote “fucking” and it corrected to “ducking”. haven’t looked back since… no wait… except in 2014, i was texting with a colleague and we were going to hang out and i was writing “yo we hangin?” but it auto corrected to “yo we bangin?”. not only did we NOT bang, but I had to apologize to her and explain what happened. :rage:


Almost every android keyboard has a settings button spmewhere. Especially the samsung keyboards. On my gf’s S8 it’s at the top of the keyboard. Use it and customize to your liking. If you don’t like the default keyboard you can go to the play store and download another one. I have the google keyboard, but swift is also very popular.


thx, i looked in the settings menu in the phone and didn’t see any options, but the settings menu when you pull up the keyboard had the appropriate options.

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I hope you get to customize it to your liking. if not, there’s more choices. :slight_smile:
I used to have swift keyboard on my old LG G3 and it was fantastic! But when I got the Huawei Mate 10 Pro which had it installed by default, it was atrocious. I kept mistyping and kept making stupid mistakes and first thought it was because I wasn’t used to the change in phone size, but after 2 months I still couldn’t type on it. I’ve moved on to Google keyboard and hadn’t looked back.

Reminds me of an iPhone i once had that suggested the word “money destruction machine” quite literally. (That would be one word in my language, “pengetilintetgørelsesmaskine”).

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Oh I need this! My phone is going crazy with the auto spell, thank you!