Australian Government Just Passed The 'Anti-Piracy Legislation' Copyright Amendment Bill 2015

What makes you think that they will not be replaced by new young generation of cooperate scum. Being a rich scumbag is not a old man´s privilege unfortunately...

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Companies like Village Roadshow will make donations like this under the guise of 'political donations' / 'sponsorships' to help finance costs for the next election. But as always away from the gaze of the public, they expect a 'favourable' outcome for any business dealings they have under the political party receiving their 'donations'.

lol i am saying this shouldn;t be the case. why is this allowed? i thought it was exclusive to America because campaigns and MURICAAA. but here is aus? my naivety astounds me sometimes. can we appeal to make this illegal?

Remember, we don't have a 'Bill of Rights' in Australia like America, that is part of the reason these 'underhanded' transactions' occur, and are unaccountable.

A 'Bill of Rights' is not the same as our Aussie constitution, both differ; a 'Bill of Rights' is the reason for America's well-known '2nd Amendment', and the right to a lawyer when Americans are detained by the police.

In Australia when you are detained there is no obligation for the police to allow you access to a lawyer / solicitor.

lol as john oliver would say.


haha on a side note, i can see how nothing will ever be done to change any of this. but it my hope that we will one day have a governement that understands what technology it and what it can do for us. also how it should be a neutral ground with oversight to see that it is never milked like a finite resource.
with that if someone can point me in a direction as to air my grievance with this system, i would be very much in your debt

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"only as broad as it needs to be to achieve its objectives and no broader"..... yeah right Mr Fletcher. Just an excuse 'China'fy' the internet.

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Personally, I think it's just a huge waste of taxpayers money. It isn't going to stop the issue happening through many loop holes. They're addressing collateral from the main issue and not focusing on the issue at hand. The past two terms of government have been bitterly frustrating, with little to none looking at a common long term goal...

I'll have to read the government transcriptions properly, as I only glanced at it briefly, but the Australian Greens were wanting amendments carried-out that covered VPN usage.

Especially if they can just strip you of your citizenship, good luck getting any rights now.

Regardless of anything else, torrent websites should be considered protected speech (a concept which doesn't exist in this country) as there is no copyrighted material present on the site or it's servers, it's a peer to peer network.

But apparently you can have something blocked because it 'facilitates' piracy. Well you could argue that pretty much anything 'facilitates' piracy, but who cares what you can argue because there's not transparency or oversight, just like the DMCA YouTube nonsense.

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Regardless, they are not addressing the actual issue at hand :\

Australia's population is 23,861,766, and 53% of the population are internet-users; now according to the ABS figures only 24% of those Aussie internet-users visit 'torrenting sites'.

Well, I would think and or hope that the newer generation would realize how damaging to the economy and species it is, when corporations act like dictatorships.

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well i wouldn't say that we didn't have any rights. any sort of outrage always leads to public action, although some form of writing that protects citizens who may be criminally charged without a fair trial is down right wrong. terror suspects should be given fair trial and recompensed if they are innocent and aquitted. deporting someone who is a confirm terror suspect is ok, but someone who may be innocent shouldn't be removed without a fair trial.

also we should make political endorsements illegal. buying out politicians is particularly bad. isn't there anyway to stop this from happening?

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That we should my friend, that we should.