So i'm thinking of selling my current build off on eBay and upgrading to a more future proof and up-gradable PC. So basically I should have around $800 give or take that i'm willing to spend on this but with the new intel socket ive kinda fallen behind on whats the best performance I can get, with the option for FUTURE UPGRADES. So while I love a good old budget amd which will of course give me better performance for money I am looking for an intel build on haswell hopefully.
If you guys could help me out with an appropriate build I would really appreciate any help! Also I am feeling a fractal arc midi r2 as my case but im open to any suggestions if you guys think there's any better. (keep in mind Australian prices are a bitch)
Right didnt realise there price, as I said bit behind on current things. I'll have to go with an 1155.
Currently have
cpu: amd a10 5800k
Mobo: asrock fm2a85x extreme 6
Hardrive: western digital 1tb (black I think)
Ram: 2133 mhz g.skil ripjaws
Cooler: coolermaster 412 slim
case: nzxt phantom 410
Power: corsair gs600watt 80+
Not to sure about taking anything out of that as like I said Im selling on ebay but I will flog a couple of fans. Im not expecting much of a performance boost but I just want the option to upgrade cpu of gpu later.
It's over $800 obviously. But this is the least i would do. You could make it even cheaper if you didn't want a arc midi r2.
With an Intel equivalent of this build you will probably have a 7770ghz and a much cheaper case. Because a 3570k or non k is around $240-270. So nearly all of your budget is still blown out of the water just with the motherboard and cpu.