Hey everyone.
Ive got a wierd audio, issue with my motherboard. i had issues from the start, but i did not realy expect that it could be something with my audio (driver) or motherboard.
THe problem is wenn i play flash / java games, with sound, my systems seems to get unstable. I get some stuttering. The wierd thing is doe, wenn i disable sound in those games, it seems that that is solving the problem.
But thats not realy all. somethimes, wenn i wacht streams, or listing to music in winamp. somethimes the sound dissapears. or let the system acting kinda wierd for no reason.
I allways thought that it was some kind of a flash problem. ive got my bios updated to the newest version, this did not solve the issue. the audio chip on the board is the ALC-892 by the way from realtek.
I personaly think that this is a audio driver issue. somethimes wenn i watch a stream and afterthat i wanne listen to winamp music, somethimes i get no sound or system is acting wierd. then after a reboot, everything is fine again. It looks like that the audio driver causes something like a lag. Especialy if i play online java/flash games, it realy lag's alot.
I just had a strange issue, im a fanatic online pool player, i was starting to play pool, but with the breake shot, the game froze. wenn i disabled the sound. i was able to play it. After a reboot, i could play the game with sound enable, but somethimes it stutters abit. So it seems to be abvious that it´s something with the sound part on the board.
So it seems that there is something wrong with the sound driver, i have to say that i allready tried all the newest drivers i could find on the asus site.with no luck.
Could the realtek driver maybe in some way, conflits with the Radeon 7870GHZ HD audio driver?
Or could there be something horribly wrond with my mobo?
i hope some one can shine a new light on this. cause i´m totaly out of idea´s.