Alright friends, I'm new to the audio game and could use some info / direction. I've been using my Logitech G35s and SteelSeries Flux (not pro) forever now and am in the market for something new.
I'm looking to use these for computer games and music, mostly the latter, and also for guitar playing when I'm not using speakers. I like bass and don't necessarily need a flat sound signature, but I would rather get something accurate and change things with an equalizer. I'm trying to keep things under $250 if possible, but I think i can get what I want for about 150 with a good sale. I've looked into the Beryerdynamic DT 770 Pro, Audio-Technica ATH-M50x, and AKG K271 MKII, but I really don't know enough to compare these well enough to feel confident buying.
I've tried the Sennheiser HD 598 and honestly didn't like them very much. To me, they sounded like they lacked depth and were very airy. I only sat with them for about 20 minutes and was playing them off my phone so maybe they were under-powered without an amp?
In short, I need a beating with the audio-knowledge stick and some recommendations for what might be right for me.