i am trying to do self hosted cloud gaming with a Linux gaming VM as the host, and a Linux laptop as the client. input and audio should be easy enough to setup, we are not concerned with that in this thread.
my problem is display. how do i view the KMS of my Linux host from another machine in a way that is low(enough) latency and offers allows for compression should the client’s connection be insufficient.
X over SSH wont work, as i want to fully use the GPU of the host.
VirGL wont work, because it only works with OpenGL, no Vulkan support.
since i want this setup to work regardless of graphics API, I’ve concluded it best to try and just copy the entire framebuffer and somehow view it on the client. if there is a beter approach, I’m all ears.
I’ve tried using FFMPEG, but i kept running into performance issues. latency would steadily increase as the session grew longer.
what approach/software is best suited for self-hosting cloud gaming?