Atlas Shrugged Movie Trailer Released (Brace Yours

If you're like me, you have a lot of time on your hands. Enough time to plow through a book that's over 1,100 pages long. I'm a big fan of Ayn Rand's novel "Atlas Shrugged". The characters and the story... Not exactly the philosophical message, though it works in an interesting way with the novel. For many, many years people have been clamoring for a Atlas Shrugged movie (except for me since I believe books should be books and movies should be movies, just as games should be games), and finally someone has made some headway in making a film adaptation.

If you're a fan of the book... Well... Brace yourself.

I don't think I need to describe how I feel about this trailer.

What kills me is that they begin with a shot of Midas Mulligan talking with John Galt in the streets, to trick you into thinking "Hey, this is fucking Atlas Shrugged! This is how it should look and feel!" (even though that scene was never in the book). Then they start with the melody-less TV drama soundtrack and terrible acting.

What do you guys think? Anyone else a fan of the book?

I think the music was a bit too "epic" for the trailer.

Kinda made it seem like a piece of second rate trash.