Hi, I am building a gaming PC with NO intel branded parts. I think intel is overused and i jsut dont like it. Sue me. (Dont please) But currently its near $800 and i would like to make it cheaper heres the link:http://pcpartpicker.com/p/FlqT Do with it what you will, Just dont hadd any HDD's or Intel Parts.
Ahem. I said NO HDD's and i want it SMALL im a minimilist. Deal with it. :P (not to mention that that case it possably the most dissgusting this for cases ive ever seen)
here, a much nicer build then what you where looking at for 799.10
if you could squeeze a bit more get
its the best bang for the buck videocard period.
yes the ram i picked is slower, but, if you do as I suggest you will find the whole system preforms better(theres really little gain with am3+ by going about 1600 but this ram by many accts will do 1866 pretty easy)
partition the drive with 160gb for windows and basic apps like office, the rest of the drive for games and downloads, install fancycache drive edition, give the drive 8gb worth of cache with delayed write enabled at the default 10 seconds.
this will give you much faster load times in games and apps(and even get you to desktop faster)
I use fancycache and it kicks ass.
and note: with this cooler you should be able to oc that 6300 to 4.5ghz or so easy, many will do 4.2-4.3 at default volts!!!
For your budget, an SSD isn't worth it. It won't help gaming performance whatsoever, it'll only make your games load a tad faster. And with the money you save, you could spend it elsewhere on something that would actually increase performance (like a better GPU, or a better CPU).
You said in the original post you wanted a gaming PC
Listen to Matman and the people above, an ssd is NOT worth it for this price point, if you took out the liquid cooler, swapped out the ssd for a hdd (I'm sorry, but you're going to have to abandon this minimalistic idea) you'll be able to fit in a good graphics card and that's where you want to invest your money into.