So i ended up spending a fortune on a build with a hope that it will last me long.
The RAM kit bought from G.Skill has Zenith II Extreme Alpha in its QVL list, i was able to load the XMP profile, installed windows and all is good.
The issue is i have populated all 5 NVMe slots in a hope of creating RAID volume for boot drive + other snigle drives for alternative OS (such as linux).
1- I sometimes had the case of Bios freezing, or the whole Raidexpert option disappearing from the bios menu, is that because of the 3600 RAM profile?
2- With running on stock clocks, i can’t seem to be able to get RAIDexpert running neither in windows nor linux. In Windows, even after installing the Raid driver / Raid expert software, nothing would come on scanning. the drives would appear as single drives rather than RAID 0 created. same on linux. (note, in all those cases, i would be running an OS off an NVME ssd at the back of the motherboard)
3- Do i need to create a single volume array in Raidexpert for single drive in able to use them with nvme RAID enabled? or would it run just fine of legacy mode?
4- Which distro would run good for TRX40 + 3970X ? which kernal would i need to have all devices recognised on MB?
5- with lack of official block diagram of motherboard, the Asus manual gives the impression that all 5 NVMe slots runs directly to CPU PCIe rather than through the chipset, anyone can please confirm? Can i sue Asus for this lol?
Finally, i advise anyone who is buying this motherboard or for that matter planning to build a Ryzen TR workstation to be patient, and seriosly consider intel because of the software supprt. I still run my trust EVGA X58 Classified Motherboard with First Gen i7 980X just fine with RAID on SATA (both SSD and HDD) rock solid for 10+ years. very dissappointed to say the least on AMD…
If someone can call on the linux guru on this forum that’ll be great.