Hi there
I damaged my old motherboard and replaced it with a Asus Z9Z-A with an i7 4790K CPU. However i'm unable to get it to post. The screen is completely black, i've tried with a single ram dimm and dual channel and I am not using a video card. I have reset the CMOS with the jumper and removed the battery i've reseated the CPU. I have attempted to update the BIOS as the 4790k isn't supported with the stock BIOS, i have a pen drive plugged in with the renamed BIOS file and tried to get it to boot from it this was the first diagnosis I tried. Im running short on ideas now so any help would be much appreciated.
Edit: Research also led to potentially a faulty PSU so I tried the paper clip test on the 24 pin and some fans which powered on fine
Z97-A should support the 4790k out of the box.
What happens when you attempt to turn it on?
Unplug any and all peripherals from the I/O except your monitor and try again.
I just a black screen no warning lights at all so the CPU and RAM are posting. Sometimes a boot device LED even though my SSD is plugged in. I will unplug my keyboard and mouse
Removing keyboard and mouse does nothing
I have now tried to boot with each stick of ram tired single channel in each slot, and dual channel in all combonations the DRAM light next to the MemOk! button did not stay on in any of these tests, but if the machine is booted with no RAM in then the light does come on
Do the case fans spin when you attempt to turn it on? For how long?
How about the CPU fan?
WOW after all that I was trying to connect my laptop to my screen that desktop was previously on. The HDMI cable was broken changed that problem solved systems posts....
Darn that cable.