I have been looking at the new z170 sabertooth motherboard for my new i7 6700k and 980 ti build.
I love the look of this motherboard, but it has some orange accents (as seen on the site below) which kind of spoil the look (IMHO) would it be possible to get something to cover these accents like some tape etc that would cover these orange sections.
Would it be possible? Sure. That said, the orange is minimal and probably not worth the trouble. It's a good mobo, a bit too expensive from my perspective but you can't go wrong.
I love the orange personally and even kinda wish there was more, but that really is subjective. Anyway, some things I'm noticing are those "(something) valve" pieces look like sliding switches, so it might be a pain to get tape underneath them. Also the five orange spots on the bottom right appear as they might be indicator lights, so you'd have to chose to cover the lights or try to change the color that shines through by filtering the light with some other color. Of course all this stuff looks pretty simple to go over with a paint marker, but you'd have to be willing to take the risk.