Could someone please tell me why everyone recomends getting an asus 7970 over a sapphire, because its honestly starting to annoy me that noone explains why something is better than something else ( well some poeple do...but most dont).
Here is why people have been recommending the ASUS HD 7970
You could always check the specification of the two card and make you own mind up
The sapphire card sounds like a hairdryer,asus cards have direct cu 2.... direct cu cards run at the lowest temperature of all gpus and have huge room to overclock - asus is a little more expencive
Its up to you what you buy but i allways go for asus for gpus >_>
Because They are one of the best 7970's you can buy for cooling and overclocking
But with that being said they have some rather large downsides and cost to much IMO, value for dollar they arent nearly as good as other 7970's