Asus Strix 980 starts to whine on idle after long gaming session

Hello dear forum.

I have noticed a electronic buzzing noise coming from what I think is my Asus Strix 980 as the noise has only become apparent since installing it.

It always happens after I have been playing games and the card is cooling down on windows.
It only usually lasts 2-3 seconds. It almost sounds like a buzzing noise ( wasp noise bzzzzzzzz ). I am sure its not a fan.
And it's never under load. It just buzzing noise ( idle ) after card its been used heavily.
Is this normal when cards cool down in idle after some heavy load and sometimes can whine\buzz for couple of seconds?

It always happens after I have been playing games for such time and after quit game it happen on windows when card cool down. Its not normal?!

Generally after I've played a game it seems to start making noise, so as soon as I've shut down the game the noise starts. Noise goes away after 1-2 second.
Any ideas what it is?

make sure nothing gets in a way of fans like cables, and some gtx980 do have coil whine

Card on idle is on 0RPM , so its not a fan issue.

It's not during gaming/heavy use. But after heavy gaming when i am sitting on windows desktop for lasts 2-3 seconds.
I was running Crysis3 at max settings and when it would stop it would whine for a bit on desktop.
Just after running the Crysis3 I could hear a small amount of whine while the card started to cool off in windows desktop.

This can be coil whine too because on desktop windows after gaming? Please help.

Coil whine. You have a bad VRM on your card. just get a g-power from gigabyte and solder that on there and it should fix it

Coil whine. You may just have to deal with it, alot of cards have it but it's more apparent on cards with 0 db fans.

But why sometimes its coil whine \ buzzing when i quit game and i am on desktop? Is this normal?

I upload similiar noise:

Like i say its few seconds and its gone.

Its the VRM man. The VRM delivers power to the chip. As long as it works you will get coil whine to a varying degree, its not specifically load dependant. There is nothing you can do.

Question, are you overclocking? if so, revert back to "default" and try to see if it makes the same noise... i had the same issue with my GPU; until oneĀ  day( doing more overclocking) i reverted the bios back to default, and when playing games i notice that the coil whine was gone....