Has the Gen3 been released already? If so can someone put a link for it.
Not out yet.. Only R2.0 is out for the consumers at this time. Gen 3.0 I believe was showed off at CES with PCI 3.0
Should i wait or just go with the sabretooth 990 fx r2.0
Only asking because someone on youtube was showing it off and it looks sick.
depends on your needs really
I probably will buy it. It all depends on the release date as i am building a PC and i was looking at the r2.0, then saw the Gen3 r2.0
fair enough, well keep ear your to the ground
Yah i have low patience lol
Its rumored to be released soon. Hopefully will not pass 200$ in price.
well in the uk the current one is £140 at most and in the US components are normally comparitivly cheaper after currency conversion. also asus are normaly quite good at pricing there products, so i should'nt worry much. saying that if its meant to be soon i would spout a guess of 3 month's at the most.
Damn. Sort of a wait lol. I think I'll buy the r2.0 and sell it when the gen3 comes out. Want a gaming Pc soon so i can join the master race :D
fair enough dude, either way you shouldnt be dissapointed lol. on the flip side you could just buy a dirt cheap motherboard, and switch to the sabertooth when it comes out. should be more cost effective.
yah was looking up the biostar. Idk after seeing the reviews tho.
Do you think this would work? http://pcpartpicker.com/p/Bpbp
biostar have had a bad run in the last few years, but it has'nt always been like that and aparently they're trying to make a come back.
personally this is what i would go for.
this is like the cheapest mobo i would be willing to use to oc on
also the fx cpu's are a bit power hungry so i bumbed the psu, seasonic are a highly recommended brand. and platinum psu wills serve you well.
and i droped the ram to 8 gigs assuming your just gamming, its all ya need
uhm looks the same lol
except the mobo.
yep the changes are minor, you had choose 16 gig gskills, i chose 8 gig corsair, and you chose a 650w bronze corsair psu i chose a seasonic 760 platinum psu.
i went for the cheaper board to compensate for the insanely more exepensive psu.
as when you go to the sabertoothe you dont want to be short of juice to feed the cpu when you oc it to the limit, also you dont want your psu you to cry when you pull all it can muster through it hence the platninum eficiency one.
I meant that you did not copy the permalink. You copyed the partlist link which takes me to my parts for it.
That's what i meant of it looking the same lol
oh how about now lol,
Problem with that is the mobo is a micro atx
no problem bro, the case takes micro
just flick over to the specs tab
Probably can not OC then lol.
Oh well. looks like a decent buy until the new Sabre is released.