Asus ryujin 240 on linux


i tried debian or opensuse but for some reason it goes to silent and my cpu overheats
also i tried creating a vm with usb passthrough (asus ryujin 240 usb controler) and it was running ok but it did not show current temps.
on windows it running fine even ifi dont have armory crate installed
any one have this kind of cpu aio ? i cant use any linux distro if im unable to control it :frowning:
i tried openrgb but it wont support ryujin 240

I am not familiar with that model but I am surprised it defaults to silent. Most cooling devices default to maximum. Does it not have a motherboard fan control header? My Corsair AIO has one. It doesnā€™t use it for power, just as a speed indicator.

Anyway I would look around the documentation for your thing and see if there is a switch or other setting that will make it go to full speed instead of zero when it has no USB control.

It does, itā€™s Step 8 in the quick installation guide:

Connect the AIO Cooler connector to the 4-pin AIO_PUMP or CPU_FAN connector on your motherboard

@aLinux check your motherboardā€™s manual and/or BIOS which of the Fan-connectors is regulated by CPU temperature.

I used to have the 120mm version. I had to connect the Pump (4 pin) header for the whole unit to my CPU header on my mother board, then I set it at about 80% set speed in bios to keep my water flow up but not too loudā€¦ then I disconnected the fans from the connectors on the AIO pump and connected them to the ā€œCase fanā€ on my motherboard and used the CPU temprature to set fan speed. I had to mess around with the curves but I got it to work that way.
I was also able to connect it to a secondary windows machine without it on a processor to set it up in windows, then once it was set up it held the profile in the onboard bios.
Donā€™t know if it helps but thats two ways I worked around it.

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