Hello all. Recently i upgraded my router to a Asus RT N66U, i was previously using a Motorola SBG6850 as my modem and router, now i am using it just as my modem. Since i have upgraded to this asus router I have noticed this issue where my connection will drop for < 30 seconds, once it reconnects i have a PC that is using a TP Link WDN4800 as its wifi adapter, that fails to reconnect to the wifi. I would assume this is a issue with the WDN4800 failing to reconnect but it would also seem this issue could be resolved by fixing this issue of the router disconnecting.
I have noticed a pattern where the router usually disconnects at 11PM-12AM, around the same time. This issue has happened 3 days in a row now. Any suggestion’s?
Unfortunately this isn't an easy problem to solve and will likely require some troubleshooting. Here are your first steps: reboot the modem and both routers, update firmware on all devices and/or restore to stock on all devices (or hard reset), monitor other devices for the same network connection loss to isolate the issue to the network (rather than the device). Try connecting directly to the modem, and directly to the first and second routers to figure out where exactly the issue is occurring, then you'll have enough details to either solve or be able to research the issue further online.
If you've ruled out hardware issues then you can look into software and router config stuff (or you can do this first, really depends). Are you performing the same task every time the disconnection occurs? What are you doing? What ports is it using? This part could branch in a ton of ways depending on what you discover.
At a total loss? Call your ISP, they may be the devil but sometimes they get tired of doing evil and accidentally tell the truth, they may be able to inform you of a known network issue upstream of anything you have control over.
I only have on router. The motorola SBG6850 is a modem/router combo so originally i was using it as my modem and router. I have upgraded to the N66U so now i have made the SBG6850 work just as a modem.
Every device loses connection when this happens (My main PC is connected via ethernet but every other device is connected via wifi), usually it happens so fast that i probably wouldn't notice it if i weren't paying attention to the change in the connection symbol on my task bar.
What im doing is different every time. One time i was doing absolutely nothing, another time i was just browsing the web on my main PC, and another time i was transferring a file between my main PC and the PC in question.
What dosent make sense though is if i reboot the router and after it comes back on then the PC in question will auto-connect back to it.
(I suppose also the PC might be able to reconnect manually but i have this PC setup where it has no monitor or peripherals connected to it. I use this PC solely through windows remote desktop so i discover that it failed to reconnect by seeing its name dissapear from the client list on my router and not being able to connect via WRD)
I installed that on my router. All my disconnecting has went away, or so it appears (i have been running it like this 3 days now so atleast the issue isent coming up as frequently). My complexly separate issue of ping in games that i have tried to solve via QoS got better by a decent amount by changing to this firmware.
I'm currently running at 49/50, but today the ambient temperature is below normal. I'll check in a few days when the expected heatwave arrives and see what it's at. I'd not run this router without active cooling now that I know how hot it can get.
The RT-N66U should have auto channel mode, however, I always suggest folks use inSSIDer to take a look at their surrounding network and assign static frequencies based on which are the cleanest in their environment instead of using auto mode.