ASUS P8Z77-V Deluxe

I bought this motherboard in November of 2012. It was working amazingly and i decided to do Makz Windows 7 speed up reg edits( i think thats what did it) and now it doesn't even boot up to BIOS settings. It's pretty much bricked and ive tried flashing the BIOS but that doesn't work either. Ideas?

does it power up then die?

check that your ram is securely pushed in. if so remove everything (gpu etc) all bar one stick and try again.

could be your psu as well. or anything that may have tripped out the powering up cycle. - i have even seen a power board (with surge protection) shit itself and wouldnt let anything attached work.

your regedits if if a little wrong wouldnt stop your system from booting up to at least the bios screen. if your bricked windows you would most likely get a bsod or the windows recovery prompt.

hope some of what i have said helps.

best of luck mate.

Ok oddest thing ever, i just went over and started it up and it booted Just like normal... This is the freakest thing ever.... so i guess problem resolved!