Asus M5A99FX R2.0 issues

I have build a new pc and everythings been going great with my rig. But i'm running into one small issue. On my motherboard anything lit in red means that there is something wrong and needs to be fix. On my motherboard there is something labeled "boot_device_led" and it stays red. The way I fix this problem is by turning off the computer completely from switching off the power supply and switching the power supply back on and start my computer. The red led doesn't show anymore but there's times where it will come back anytime I start my computer up again. I read the manual and it says I have to do something to the bios. My pc hasnt had any performance issues or anything wrong with it since this red light started accruing so I'm a little afraid to mess with my bios because I don't want to mess anything up but I feel like I cant ignore this. Even though i read the manual, I'm still confused on what I should do when this red led appears. Any reply would be very much appreciated.

P.S.: Is upgrading to windows 10 safe? Joker productions made a video saying upgrading to windows 10 is going to hurt nvidia users.

Try booting with one stick of ram its usealy a memory error with those mobos thay can be funny with what set it uses.

you can also do a bios update to the latest version.
this might solve your issues.

But the red light wenn you power on, is normal.
It should go out, as soon as the post is done.

thx for the info, I should be alright