Asus m5a97 r2.0 vs asus m5a99fx pro r2.0

Need help guys... I have done allot of research but I have little pc experience so I am lost on allot of the finer points.

This is going to be for a gaming rig, that I want to have allot of upgrade options, and I am on a 1000-1200 budget.

any help on what I can or cant do with these boards. Please be aware I am new to this, and may not get many of the terms.


                                               Thank You- Hariagoshi- USMC

Well the M5A99FX has better power phase design which means you can OC more and is really required if you want to run an 8 Core.

Plus it is on a more modern chipset. This means you get more USB 2, more PCIE lanes (4 as opposed to 2), more SATA 6 generally more of everything. 

Get a 990FX board if you want to have every option available to you and you are looking at the AMD platform. Especially on that budget. The M5A99FX series is very good. 

+1 i second that. I have the M5A99FX and it's an awesome board. Plenty of expansion options.

Ty much that's what I really needed, Since I will be wanting to get into OC and such once I have more skill. 


Well if you get lucky with your chip I've seen 6 cores at 4.8 Ghz and 8350s at 5.0 Ghz no problem on this board. 

Know I am all pumped up to get going!

Obviously the latter one, M5A97 is just for basic and affordable builds w/o breaking the bank and build quality.

yes but not for an 8 core. only the Asus M5A97 EVO R2.0 would be good enough for an 8core. ☺

But i would personaly recommend a 990FX chipset board. since it has 40 pci-e gen 2 lanes. its just overall a better chipset. Also overclocking a 8 core goes better on 990FX chipsetboards, basicly. But the 990FX chipset, just has more to offer in general.