ASUS M5A97 R2.0 Overclocking?

Will I be able to get a stable overclocking on this board? I will be using the FX 6300 and would like to know how far I will be able to push it on this mobo? Also will I be able to use the turbo function to go to 4.1 ghz automatically? Thanks guys

yes that should be no problem with a FX6300. wenn overclocking you allways have to disable the turbo function.

 You can find some overclocking guids online or on youtube to help.

Alright thank you very much for the help and also for recommending this board in the first place :) Thanks

i reccommend this website. I got my 6300 on a M5A99FX PRO R2.0 to 4.6ghz prime stable on a 212 evo in push,pull

Hope i am of help

Yeah that will help him  on the road. the bios is allmost the same ☺

How about using that same motherboard, but instead of using a fx-6300 I'll be using a 8320. Would that work?

Thanks Thomskon :) Very helpful.

no probem :)

would be perfect. Look at the link i posted earlier in the topic as it contains specific steps for that mobo at some point on the page. I recently ( month ago ) upgraded to a 8320 in my first complete build

I'd recommend getting a board with better voltage regulators if you want to overclock 8320.

^this. The M5A97 R2.0 won't do to well with overclocking an 8320/50. I'd get at least an M5A99X/FX PRO/EVO R2.0 for that.

I have the same board and CPU as the OP and I used that guide and after overclocking my computer didn't turn on for a while, Had me scared that I fried it.  But could be my fault and I did something wrong.

It should do fine. as long as he's not going past like 4.4ghz or 1.4v and im assuming that. 

What was your overclock and what temps were you getting. Was there a faulty power connector somewhere?