where do i get the software ??? download link... something ?
i run a AMD FX8350 on CROSSHAIR V FORMULA with EAH5850 DirectCU TOP/2DIS/1GD5 and 8GB GEIL DDR3 RAM under WIN7X64 on an SSD Corsair CSSD-F80GBP2 inside the CoolerMaster HAF-X case.
i use the fan xpert now... but i can only see the processor fan ... but so i can control it i had to set the BIOS option to DC FAN even if the Xigmatek Dark Knight SD1283 Night Hawk Edition has a PWM Fan... but on PWN the fan only ran at 2100RPM.
the Fan Xpert 2 really looks nice :( hope my motherboard will have it too soon. Thank you for the answer , i watch all the vids , great ones !
Fan Xper II is currently only on Z77 motherboards ( from the P8Z77-V and above ) It is a combination of a new super I/O controller and firmware and software.
Boards older than those feature our Fan Xpert + which still is pretty advance you shoul dhave multiple target options within software and within the UEFI for defining min and max target temps and corresponding rotation speeds. Additionally as you note you have the option of assigning DC or PWM for the primary CPU cooler ( 3 pin or 4 pin ).
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